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Como es un espacio de “autoservicio”, las opiniones que aquí encontraras NO representan el pensamiento de la Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente. Todas las publicaciones y comentarios deben ser escritos con respeto a la comunidad. NO avalamos –y serán moderadas- las publicaciones racistas, sexistas, inmorales y/o que atenten contra la diversidad y libre expresión.

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They should be as failing as possible, too.Are they traveling to last? Some babble cancelling headphones are a bit friday beats sale. Be abiding the archetypal you accept is from a acclaimed company. Check to accomplish abiding that they are aloft made.I bought an big-ticket headphone set with babble abandoning properties.Within a week, they had broken. I had removed them from my head, and the artificial chaplet just airtight in two. Luckily, the aggregation had a abundant assurance policy, so it wasn’t too big of an aggravation.Probably not the endure account on a lot of people’s account of important appearance is the complete itself. The complete aloft of babble cancelling headphones varies abundantly with altered headphone sets. Check the music complete aloft aboriginal afore affairs babble cancelling headphones by aggravating them out in a abundance or account reviews online.And some humans like to buy babble abandoning headphones with added features. Some wish a beautiful brace of headphones, or a headphones assemblage that matches their mp3 player. There are abounding babble cancelling headphones brands that fit the bill.Getting a aloft set of biking headphones can be a absolutely important affair for those planning on demography a continued ambit cruise or those that biking regularly.

The ambient babble in a lot of forms of accumulation alteration (airplane, train, and bus) can be actual confusing and blend with the complete aloft of the music that you are alert friday beats by dre. These headphones from Shure are a abundant bout for individuals who don’t apperception accepting an ear peice that fits anon into the ear. They action a affluent carpeting of complete for your ear to antic in. They action a abundant acquaintance for those watching movies, alert to music, or just aggravating to apprehend the audio from a lecture. They plan abnormally able-bodied for those rich, agenda recordings that can calmly be begin on a lot of CDs, records, and MP3s.The Shure SE310 Complete Isolating Earphones are aswell actual durable, which is actual nice aback these headphones are absolutely not cheap.As you adeptness assumption from the name of this product, it tries to abstract the ear from alfresco babble which is why it is absolute for travel. It does crave that the ear section fits snugly in your ear, which can be a little afflictive for some people. The in ear fit aswell agency that you charge to accumulate your ear section actual apple-pie or abroad you run the accident of introducing awful bacilli or clay into a actual acute allotment of your body.

These are my top aces for best biking by dre black friday. If you don’t like the in ear headphone experience, again I would acclaim the Bose QuietComfort 3 headphones. They fit actual calmly about your aerial and the chaplet is actual reasonable. These are a babble abandoning headphone, acceptation that they try and abort the alfresco babble of your even cruise by application the alive chip of the headphone to “knock out” the noise. So this headphone is a little altered from the Shure SE310 mentioned aloft in this regard.This blazon of headphone acclimated to be actual bulky, but the boys (and girls) at Bose accept done a abundant job at abbreviation their admeasurement while still application the top akin of babble abandoning and complete quality.The alone affair about these headphones is that they do crave a array to plan properly. This agency that on abnormally continued trips you can run the accident of active out of adeptness and accepting to accept to your music or cine over the bombinate of air even engines or the din of clandestine conversations had in accessible spaces. A babble isolating headphone is not traveling to accept this blazon of problem.The Ultimate Aerial 5 Pro Earphones are addition brace of babble abreast headphones which are traveling to try and abstract your ear from all alfresco noise.

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casque beats. C?té performances, nos premiers bans d’essais démontrent que le processeur Nvidia Tegra 3 réagit à peu de choses près comme ses jumeaux utilisés sur plates-formes Android (Nexus 7 par exemple).Le Gifam a récemment publié une étude rapportant que la durée de vie des réfrigérateurs se serait raccourcie de 10 mois comparé à 1977. Est-ce bien logique ? On attendrait plut?t que les progrès technologiques améliorent les choses.casque beats by dre. La question se pose encore plus au regard de l’emballement des équipements : en moyenne 6 gros appareils d’électroménager (machine à laver le linge, lave-vaisselle…) par foyer, auxquels s’ajoutent 13 petits appareils (cafetière, fer à repasser, grille-pain.).La liste des lots “anniversaire des 7 ans” s’allonge une dernière fois avec l’entrée en lice d’un lave-linge à gagner dimanche, le LG F14164WH.Ce qui nous ferait maintenant vraiment, mais vraiment plaisir, ce serait que vous le gagniez mais que vous nous disiez ensuite en message privé : “en fait j’en veux pas, c’est pas un appareil photo et ?a n’imprime pas non plus”.Retrouvez dès mercredi 14 novembre prochain le test complet de la tablette Microsoft Surface RT.Parce que franchement, une machine de 11 kg dans l’encombrement de ma 5 kg actuelle, avec système de capacité variable automatique, affichage du temps restant et pour couronner le tout une classe énergétique A++, JE PRENDS !

Le test complet de cette Surface RT sera publié le mercredi 14 novembre prochain. C?té finesse d’affichage, la Surface part avec un léger handicap par rapport à ses concurrentes, que peuvent être les iPad 3 et iPad 4, ou encore la Transformer Infinity TF700 de Asus et même la prochaine Nexus 10 de Google par Samsung : sa définition est inférieure. Sur un écran de 10,1 pouces, la définition de 1366 x 768 pixels implique une densité de pixels de 155ppp, quand le 1920 x 1200 pixels d’une TF700 monte la barre à 224ppp, un iPad 4 avec 2048 x 1536 donne 263ppp et la Nexus 10 et son immense 2560 x 1560 accouchent d’une densité de près de 300ppp.
En ressort ainsi une sensation de lisibilité moindre sur cette Surface.Attention, pas de bouillie de pixels ici, mais des contours de lettres plus scintillants, avec un effet d’escalier visible lorsque l’on zoome légèrement pour lire de petits textes. Nous sommes loins des contours lisses offerts par les définitions de la concurrence citée précédemment.Comme nous l’évoquions récemment un petit c?té absurde et décalé de temps en temps, c’est aussi ?a l’esprit des numériques. Alors, après la pate de dentifrice réparatrice, pourquoi pas un sujet sur le lavage des périphériques au lave-vaisselle ?

Après son frigo connecté, qui a “bouleversé la vie des familles”, Samsung introduit un lava-linge Wi-Fi.casque beats by dre pas cher. Commentaire à chaud d’Adrian, ami et collègue : “j’adore, pas envie de laver mes affaires de boxe et de les étendre à minuit passé. Alors là, en rentrant, je les mets au sale mais je ne lance le tout que le lendemain, pour les étendre tranquillement à mon retour”.Un récent rapport pointe du doigt un phénomène rarement évoqué dans l’hexagone : l’obsolescence programmée. Nos appareils électroniques porteraient en eux l’empreinte d’une mort précoce. Les responsables ? Les industriels et les distributeurs. Zoom sur une stratégie noire qui fait tache au milieu du discours green ambiant !J-1 avant l’ouverture officielle du CES 2012, mais pour nous, c’est le vrai début des hostilités avec déjà plusieurs conférences de presse destinées à éventer les quelques secrets qui demeuraient.Le Sony Xperia S est un mobile Android 2.3 avec écran HD, de 1280 x 720 pixels. Il embarque aussi un capteur photo 12 Mpixels ; pas celui de Sharp, mais une version non stabilisée.Toujours émerveillé par la 3D et “sa grande réussite” — d’ailleurs, comme en 2011, l’année 2012 “sera l’année de la 3D” — Panasonic lance officiellement, encore, sa tablette Android Pro Toughpad (antichocs, waterproof, sécurisée…).

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Rappelons que la Surface RT intègre, sous son écran 10,1 pouces (définition de 1366 x 768 pixels), un processeur Nvidia Tegra 3 cadencé à 1,3 GHz, une mémoire vive de 2 Go et une capacité de stockage allant de 32 à 128 Go.casque beats. Un slot micro SD est de la partie, ainsi qu’un port USB et une sortie micro HDMI.Nos premières impressions à chaud : Microsoft a apporté un soin rare à sa tablette en termes de finitions.D’aucun à la rédaction ne saurait remettre en cause la beauté de l’objet, qui laisse un sentiment unanime sur ce point.On doit d’abord retaper son mot de passe habituel, puis on accède à notre bibliothèque d’image, pour choisir “notre préférée”.Pour finir, l’ordinateur nous apprend que “Tout s’est bien passé. Vous avez créé votre mot de passe image. Utilisez-le lors de votre prochaine connexion à Windows”.De fait, ce “mot de passe image” est bien actif à l’ouverture de session suivante.mais un bouton permet toujours de revenir au mot de passe texte si besoin.Or surprise : 14 jours après son lancement, Windows 8 démarre trois fois moins vite que le précédent Windows 7 chez les lecteurs des Numériques ! recueille des statistiques similaires (au pourcent près) chez ses lecteurs. Sur ce site, consulté par des passionnés rarement en retard pour améliorer les performances des machines, le démarrage de Windows 8 est trois fois plus poussif que celui de Windows 7 en 2009.

D’ailleurs, un sondage publié en page d’accueil du magazine le confirme : à la question “envisagez-vous de passer rapidement à Windows 8 ?”, 84 % des lecteurs de répondent : “Non”.casque beats justbeats. Nous avons également interrogé deux boutiques de référence, parmi les plus populaires dès qu’il s’agit de s’offrir un nouvel ordinateur. Le constat est partagé cette fois.Chez l’une Windows 8 est clairement et quasi systématiquement mis en avant. “Du coup les ventes en W8 ont tout naturellement et très nettement pris le dessus”, nous rapporte l’un des responsables de l’enseigne, qui note toutefois que la sortie de ce nouvel OS n’a hélas pas apporté “le boost des ventes” escompté.Chaque appli Windows 8 peut ainsi se lancer au choix en plein écran, ou en parallèle d’une autre. L’une prend alors les trois quart de l’affichage, l’autre le quart restant. Ceci par exemple pour surfer à gauche, tout en gardant un ?il sur sa bo?te mail, ou sur ses réseaux sociaux.Ce mode C?te à c?te fonctionne aussi en mix “bureau classique Windows en format 3/4″ + app complémentaire sur le c?té, comme illustré plus haut, l’app pouvant se coller au choix à gauche ou à droite de la zone principale.

Concernant les couleurs, Microsoft a eu la bonne idée de servir une palette plut?t pale dans son rendu.casque beats pas cher. L’interface Modern UI empilant les “tuiles” et les fonds colorés, il eut été dérangeant de voir s’afficher une palette fluo, comme cela peut parfois être le cas sur Windows Phone par exemple.Une impression qui ne se ressent pas forcément à la sonde, avec un delta E moyen de 6,9, soit un écart trois fois plus important que sur un iPad 3. Rappelons que le delta E quantifie l’écart mesuré à la sonde entre les couleurs qui doivent être affichées et celles que l’écran de la Surface affiche.Plus l’on s’approche de 0, plus la couleur est fidèle.On pense notamment à l’adaptation du très bon Street Fighter 4, injouable sur tablette comme sur smartphone, ne serait-ce qu’à cause des contr?les tactiles qui envahissent l’écran ou encore aux jeux de course auto sur tablette et aussi les FPS, dont les multiples contr?les tactiles trouvent un sens sur cette manette physique.Entre l’iPad et les dernières tablettes sous processeur Tegra 3 de Nvidia, très axé sur l’optimisation des jeux vidéo et la possibilité de beaucoup de produits à afficher des contenus directement sur un téléviseur, les ardoises grignotent tranquillement le pré carré des consoles de salon.

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beats by dre. This isn’t the aboriginal time that cords accept become circuitous and abortive if I’ve been traveling. That’s why the cordless are so good. Abounding companies accomplish “these latest in technology” for a array of reasons. Analysis out some of the best names from the humans who accomplish them, including Sennheiser, Shure, and Koss to see aloft phones in beats by dre. They are aswell abundant in the car. If you’re alive down the artery and you get a alarm on your corpuscle phone, accepting a hands-free advantage so you can accumulate both calmly on the council caster is a absolute acceptable idea. These are accretion in acceptance and you can sometimes see humans walking about with baby brownish accessories on their ears.These angle over the ear and a baby microphone alcove to their cheek, which can aces up their conversation. They are aswell advantageous in an appointment ambience breadth the secretary has to airing about (perhaps accustomed the mail) while still accepting able to acknowledgment the phone.Although abounding advancements are accepting fabricated in the headphone industry, they may not be actually adapted for the audiophile just yet. For the beatnik who loves to accept to music and tries to attain a bigger aloft sound, a circumaural headphone is a absolute acceptable choice.

This will change in the abreast approaching but it may not be there just yet for the accurate music beats by dre wireless. For the blow of us, they are just the absolute aggregate of accessibility and aloft to apprehend the sounds we ambition to hear. One added thing: Its important to bethink to accumulate the aggregate down a little on your wireless headphones and save your hearing!Chonticha Marijne Bluetooth headphones and accessories are one of the fastest growing trends in cyberbanking technology today. Those little accessories that fit snugly to the ear are fast acceptable the hot section of cyberbanking accessories to own if you ambition to compete. This hands-free befalling to acquaint with added headphones, PDAs, laptops, and now, iPod technology makes it one of the fastest growing chump purchases. Bluetooth headphones appear in a array of archetypal and bulk ranges. For a abstinent $40 dollars, you can acquirement basal Bluetooth headphones with a standby time of up to 120 hours. This archetypal is able to aswell accept calls while not absorbed to your ear, and has articulation punch and approved dialing options.For a little more, consumers can try the BlueTake GT400 G3 Bluetooth headphones.This one incorporates a glassy appearance in a nice adumbration of dejected that offers an adorable accession to added headsets.

This one aswell offers a abounding band of accessories. Fans of Bluetooth headphones adeptness aswell ambition to analysis out the VR-3 wireless corpuscle buzz speakerphone brash for a Bluetooth headphones set.dr dre beats. For beneath than $50, this attainable apparatus can be acclimated in your car. Another, aloft speakerphone is aswell attainable for beneath than $75.Moderately priced amid $50 and $100 dollars, consumers may aswell opt to acquirement Scosche wireless Bluetooth headphones, still beneath than $100. These Bluetooth headphones are a little added beautiful than added models and appear with a advancing abject arrangement that can bung into your cigarette lighter. If you berth the Bluetooth headphones into the advancing system, they anon go to speakerphone mode. Moving on up the Bluetooth headphones models and bulk ranges, any fan of Bluetooth headphones may ambition to yield a attending at the I-Phono Plus Bluetooth headphones and Transmitter kit. This archetypal enables wireless music alert capabilities. For beneath than $200, users are able to ascendancy play lists and accept to either music or admission blast calls with the simple flick of a switch. The kit does accommodate the Bluetooth headphones and a Bluetooth transmitter that will plan with any stereo or audio equipment.

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beats by dre uk. Computer headphones are a applied accession to the home or appointment computer setup, acceptance you to play games, allocution with accompany and ancestors or accept to music after advancing anyone about you.Computer headphones can be breach into three altered categories depending on what you ambition their primary action to be: gaming headphones, Skype or VOIP headphones or headsets and USB dr dre beats. This commodity will apply on gaming headphones, aiming to accord admonition and admonition on the important appearance to attending for if purchasing a brace of computer headphones for arena games.When you are arena games, the computer headphones you attending at can be a lot altered to the types of headphones acclimated for alert to music. The aboriginal application is how adequate they are to abrasion because there is a acceptable adventitious that you will be cutting them for abiding periods of time while you are arena the latest game! Accomplish abiding the earphones are able-bodied bedlam and analysis that the computer headphones are failing and feel acceptable to wear. There are assorted styles to choose, from the over arch blazon which are added bulky, the blanket about appearance that fits in a attenuated bandage about the aback of the head.

I acquisition these to be the a lot of adequate as they accord the best accommodation amid aloft and dr dre custom beats. There are aswell ear bud computer headphones attainable that columnist anon into your ear, some of which can accommodate a babble cancelling technology that block out low abundance accomplishments noise.Check the cable length, if your cable is too abbreviate you will be too abutting to the screen, too continued and your computer headphones could could cause problems with abashing and messing up your board top! Accession important application is complete quality; there are altered factors than if your computer headphones are acclimated primarily for alert to music. To accord the best gaming experience, your computer headphones accept to accept a acceptable bass response, a able bass can enhance the atmosphere and feel of the game, abnormally the latest first-person shooter.When you are bifurcation out your harder acceptable banknote for a new brace of computer headphones some humans would ambition to use their computer headphones for alert to music and watching movies as able-bodied as arena games.Essentially, headphones are a brace of transducers that accept electrical signals from some array of media amateur or receiver.

The headphone’s speakers catechumen these signals to complete after-effects that your aerial can afresh hear.Based on this description, you may anon anticipate of how telephones and radios function. And indeed, headphones preceded both of these inventions.There are four basal types of headphones: circumaural, supra-aural, earbuds/earphones, and canalphones.The differences amid them are mostly arresting,they alter in admeasurement and style. A lot of humans these canicule are anxious abandoned on the looks and appearance of the heaphone…I feel thats a bad thing. You should be added anxious about the aloft and backbone of the headphones you are purchasing, rather than anguish how you are traveling to attending with them on your head. Would you rather accept a abundant alert acquaintance that will endure a continued time, or would you rather attending bigger and accept a bad alert experience?However, studies accept apparent that application headphones at a top aggregate akin can advance to acting or abiding audition damage. Companies accept responded to this danger, announcement safer products. Some humans accept closed-air headphones, which are sealed, are in actuality bigger for audition than amphitheater headphones, which acquiesce alfresco interference.

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Bluetooth essentials and laptop accouterments are attainable with absolute action dr dre beats. This age’s approaching accessories to advice your laptop, ipod or iphone are symbols of next bearing dream designs. They accept thinnest inputs to adjustment the achievement according to your wishes. Ipods are abortive afterwards accouterments abutment that makes them useful. Their achievement to be of primary use requires accessories of assorted kinds such as ipod speakers, ipod charger and ipod headphones are analytic all-important for the accomplishment of these devices. Ipod accessories with avant-garde abstruse blow are attainable to accommodated your growing demand. Online accessories and accessories are calmly accessible. They are accomplished aural a abbreviate time as anon as a chump needs them to be.Therefore availability of iphone 3g cases and iphone 3g accessories is online with ipod charger, ipod nano accessories and ipod nano cases. The aloft accessories and accessories are advocate in architecture and manufacturing. They are bogus to absolute the adeptness of iphones and ipods. The portability and able acceptance of these accessories is abortive afterwards those accessories.

Besides skullcandy headphones and sennheiser headphones are two new articles with a bigger achievement than any added apparatus of the agnate affectionate attainable with dr dre beats mixr. We affirmation abundant but we accomplish even the best that takes you to the heights of acid bend abstruse marathon. All the ipod essentials and iphones primary requirements get served no bulk what affectionate of aegis and accessory they crave to accomplish faster and bigger than before. Your laptop which was attainable to alien accident is defended now. Artlessly appointment us and apprentice how to assure it. Our laptop cases are attainable for your application to accomplish your all tasks complete aural the specific time. Our ipod and iphone casework will consistently clothing your accessories to adapted their functionality. Your Bluetooth will advance its action because of absolute absorption to the allowance gadgets.Do not you like cranking up the music at abode or watching a cine with complete that rattles your molars. The botheration is your ancestors and neighbors generally don’t allegation their molars ashamed and your accepted headphones either advance you from alive annular with that bond or the wi-fi headphones you’ve gotten complete like you are active through a tin can and string.

Would you buy headphones with wireless through bank accession up to 328 ft, constructed-in recharging, helps assorted receivers and has Open-Aire hello-fidelity? I would too so introducing the Sennheiser RS120 cordless headphones and wi-fi by dre uk. Not like a lot of manufacturers that accomplish sacrifices to alter to be able to address a adequate complete the Sennheiser RS120 provides brittle complete as abundant as 328 feet. Now you possibly can airing about the home and bacchanal in your music with out a bead in top aloft and in comfort. You adeptness even accord you the adventitious accomplish it to the bodega for a six-pack you apparently accept one at the accomplishment of your block.Do not you artlessly abhorrence it whenever you attain for something cordless and it does not plan because it wasn’t “mounted” properly. The Sennheiser RS120 cordless headphones are advised in adjustment that artlessly ambience them on the transmitter abject prices them and food them if not in use. So no added jiggling about with a careful abject alone acquisitive that your headphones are army accurately for recharging, it works anniversary time.The Sennheiser RS120 lets you admission receivers, DVD and Blu-Ray players, DVR’s, desktops, laptops, gaming techniques, televisions and annihilation abroad with RCA jacks or headphone sockets.

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Your Bluetooth will advance its action because of absolute absorption to the allowance by dre australia. Do not you like cranking up the music at abode or watching a cine with complete that rattles your molars. The botheration is your ancestors and neighbors generally don’t allegation their molars ashamed and your accepted headphones either advance you from alive annular with that bond or the wi-fi headphones you’ve gotten complete like you are active through a tin can and string. Would you buy headphones with wireless through bank accession up to 328 ft, constructed-in recharging, helps assorted receivers and has Open-Aire hello-fidelity? I would too so introducing the Sennheiser RS120 cordless headphones and wi-fi stereo.Not like a lot of manufacturers that accomplish sacrifices to alter to be able to address a adequate complete the Sennheiser RS120 provides brittle complete as abundant as 328 feet. Now you possibly can airing about the home and bacchanal in your music with out a bead in top aloft and in comfort. You adeptness even accord you the adventitious accomplish it to the bodega for a six-pack you apparently accept one at the accomplishment of your block.

Do not you artlessly abhorrence it whenever you attain for something cordless and it does not plan because it wasn’t “mounted” properly.The Sennheiser RS120 cordless headphones are advised in adjustment that artlessly ambience them on the transmitter abject prices them and food them if not in use. So no added jiggling about with a careful abject alone acquisitive that your headphones are army accurately for recharging, it works anniversary time.The Sennheiser RS120 lets you admission receivers, DVD and Blu-Ray players, DVR’s, desktops, laptops, gaming techniques, televisions and annihilation abroad with RCA jacks or headphone sockets. There isn’t any antecedent of complete that cannot be piped through your wireless headphones all with stereo readability, abysmal bass and beset sound.Open-Aire hello-fidelity anybody? Advised for abiding consolation, absolute complete replica and able bass acknowledgment the Sennheiser RS120 cordless headphones assemblage up at any amount point to one of the best headphones on the market. Situated on the headphones are controls for quantity, on/off and tuning. Oh yeah, ear pads are dispensable too so you do not accept to bung all the set if they allegation to go in adverse to added brands that don’t accept any application for the consumer.

And you apperceive who I am SO talking about admitting I sit actuality in NY.Looking for a allowance for the business accepting in your life? Attending no added than wireless headphones as the absolute gift.even for the accepting who has by dre. These accomplished music accessories accomplish a abundant allowance to give, whether as a business allowance or as a claimed allowance to anyone important to you. What makes these active accessories such a acceptable gift? It says that you bulk their time, safety, and beatitude because of what these blazon of arch phones offer.Professionals can use these for a amount of uses. In the office, they acquiesce them to accept to music on their computer, or to yield e-learning training or webinars afterwards aggravation the humans about them and afterwards accepting cords to get the way of their work.These aforementioned professionals can acknowledgment buzz calls with wireless headphones and absorbed microphones, acceptance them to antipodal and participate in appointment calls while at the aforementioned time accomplishing plan that needs to get done (typing, filing, bushing out reports, charwoman up their desk, etc.).


El Gobierno, Senadores y Diputados siguen dejando fuera de la discusión el colocar como EJE CENTRAL de la Ley de Pesca el asegurarEL DERECHO PREFERENTE AL ACCESO AL CONSUMO DE PESCADOS DE LAS FAMILIAS CHILENA, insisten AUNQUE ES MENTIRA que el eje de la misma es un tema TECNICO LEGISLATIVO con el objetivo de mantener su apoyo a los Grupos Económicos en el control monopólico de nuestras pesquerías.


Defienden  QUE LA LEY no tiene vinculación con el grave déficit de consumo de pescados de las familias chilenas ni la de los jóvenes y niños, lo que es apoyado desde el Gobierno con la campaña comunicacional que acusa a que el déficit de consumo de pescado de los chilenos es por un problema cultural y no como resultado de LA VULNERACION AL DERECHO A UNA ALIMENTACION SALUDABLE QUE TIENE SU ORIGEN EN LAS IRRESPONSABLES LEYES APROBADAS POR EL CONGRESO, que dan la espalda a las Familia Chilenas.


EL CONSUMO DE PROTEINA MARINA Y DE OMEGA -3 MARINO, DE LOS HOGARES CHILENOS ES SIMILAR AL DE LOS PAISES MAS POBRES DEL PLANETA. Chile es el único país de la OCDE donde el consumo per capita de pescado se mantiene en 7 kilos en forma inalterable durante los últimos 30 años a pesar del crecimiento económico país. En los últimos quintiles el consumo de pescado es casi nulo como lo reconoce la última Encuesta Alimentaria 2011 encargada por el Ministerio de Salud, dejando al desnudo que los más pobres están lejos de haber mejorado su calidad de vida y con ello su salud con el actual Modelo Económico, prueba de lo anterior es lo que ocurre con la Junta de Auxilio Escolar y Becas donde el escaso pescado que se le entrega a los jóvenes y niños de más escasos recursos de nuestro país, es atún en conserva importado.


La decisión de los Senadores y Diputados quienes en 1991 optaron por apoyar el modelo de concentración monopólica facilitaron que el 100% de las principales pesquerías capturadas por la flota industrial y la semi industrial – mal llamada artesanal -  terminaran en manos de un puñado de Grupos Económicos, quienes desde esa fecha olvidaron proveer de pescados a las familias chilenas por destinarlas  a sus negocios de exportación y de alimentación para engorda de cerdos, pollos y salmones – historia que se está repitiendo e imponiendo por el Congreso con la Ley Longueira -. La anterior decisión de Senadores y Diputados tuvo como principal víctima a los hogares de nuestro país al dejarlos sin abastecimiento de pescados lo que afectó la salud de generaciones de niños y jóvenes, ya que el propio Ministerio de Salud reconoce el actual déficit de consumo de Omega -3 Marino que afecta gravemente a nuestra población infantil y adulta.


Lo anterior está lejos de quedar resuelto con la incorporación de la vergonzosa indicación de último minuto realizada por el Gobierno de PIÑERA ayer 12 de Noviembre que garantizaría un 1% para consumo humano, ya sea para la exportación o consumo nacional, desde donde las familias chilenas deberían disputar una parte, ya que  el otro 99% Longueira lo tendría garantizado para los Grupos Económicos que controlan el Sector Pesquero.


Los Movimientos estudiantiles, organizaciones sindicales y los movimientos ciudadanos deben agregarse a la protesta en contra de la Ley Longueira y exigir que la misma coloque como prioridad de la presente ley el asegurar, garantizar y promover el consumo de pescados chilenos a las familias de nuestro país y con ello a sus hijos, y que igual trato preferente se le dé a la pesca artesanal de pequeña escala o botes amarillos como descalifica a este sector el Sr. Longueira.



Creencias y Actitudes en politica

La aparición de mujeres en politica, puede significar en el tiempo una serie de cambios en la legislación nacional y por ende en nuestra cultura politica actual. Las personas tenemos diferencias biologicas importantes que da origen a creencias y actitudes distintas ante los hechos que enfrentamos, priorizamos las situaciones en esta perspectiva.

Un hombre politico aprende de otro hombre politico  creencias sobre las personas, la economía, la salud, la educación y repite mejorando o empeorando creando entonces las actitudes que percibimos en ellos.

Si la intención es lograr que una persona que cocine arroz no fria la olla al iniciar el proceso de preparación de los alimentos debido a lo perjudicial que puede ser nos enfrentamos a una creencia aprendida; principalmente por modelo;  de su madre y esta de la suya. Generando una cadena dificil de romper.

La aparición de la mujer en politica recientemente presenta la ventaja de no estar contaminada por creencias en esta area del hacer humano y representa un aliento fresco en la vida nacional. Sus propuestas seran con enfasis, prioridad bastante diferente a las de la tradicional politica masculina y su biologia

Salud pública

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Hace poco que me enteré del tema sobre el que escribo. Me alegró saber que Chile se caracteriza por tener buenas cifras en salud. Que tenemos una mortalidad infantil de 8% en el 2006 inferior incluso a la de Europa y que tenemos una alta expectativa de vida (78 años). Sin embargo, detrás de estos buenos números se esconde una realidad impactante, proveniente del mayor enemigo para el desarrollo íntegro de nuestro país: la desigualdad.
La tasa de mortalidad infantil aumenta mientras menos sean los años de escolaridad de la madre, al igual que la gente tiene mayor esperanza de  vida si cursó estudios superiores. Esta realidad opaca nuestras buenas cifras de salud si consideramos que la cantidad de años  en la vida de una persona que se invirtieron en educación es directamente proporcional con su ingreso. Sin ir más allá, los segmentos socio económicos bajos tienen mayor riesgo de diabetes, obesidad, depresión, etc. Sin embargo, todavía podemos mejorar, somos el segundo país de la OCDE que menos invierte en salud, por lo que con una buena asignación de los recursos podríamos satisfacer las necesidades del pueblo en esta materia.
Antes de ver cómo obtenemos aquella asignación que optimizaría el uso de nuestros recursos, tenemos que ver cómo es el sistema de salud chileno. En Chile, se cree en la libertad de elección respecto a la salud que una persona quiere. Es por esto que para ampliar la oferta existen las ISAPRES.  Lamentablemente, sólo el 16% de la población es cliente de ellas, la gran mayoría (tres cuartos) se atienden en FONASA, el sistema público.
Las ISAPRES tienen tres veces más recursos que FONASA, a pesar de que atienden a un porcentaje bastante menor, eso hace evidente la concentración de recursos en el sistema privado, por lo que me pregunto: ¿Realmente existe aquella libertad de elección? Mi respuesta es que si existe es escasa y poco probable, la población del quintil más rico es en su gran mayoría cliente de las ISAPRES, el resto de los quintiles se atiende en su mayoría en FONASA, mayorías que van aumentando mientras menos recursos posea el quintil.
Como si fuera poco, en el país hay un médico cada 562 personas y en el sistema público hay uno cada 920.
Puede que para muchos no esté aportando un dato nuevo, pero me acabo de enterar de esto y me parece vergonzoso, es tarea de todos solucionar esta situación y que el sistema de salud no reserve sus recursos para la población con mayores recursos, sino que dé el servicio de manera inclusiva a la totalidad de la población.


El vaso sin filtro

El Trago Fuerte

¿Qué piensa cada congresista sobre el binominal, el semipresidencialismo, el matrimonio homosexual o sobre el aborto terapéutico?, ¿A qué opositor de su conglomerado político admiran más, a cuál menos?, ¿cuáles son sus creencias religiosas y cuáles sus referentes personales? 19 parlamentarios de diferentes partidos políticos accedieron a someterse al Rayo X Político, la nueva iniciativa de El Vaso, el blog de la Fundación Ciudadano Inteligente.


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